Battletoads figures coming soon!!
Reveals coming soon for the brand new Battletoads toyline I'm helping design! Battletoads Premium DNA Wave 1 Launches Soon With 6 All New...

Trashin' Pumpkin now available for Pre-Order!
Check out Trashin Pumpkin, a new Madballs character from the Need for Speed: No limits Halloween special. I helped develop his design...

New Madballs action figures now available for PreOrder!
So the new Madballs figures I helped design are now available for PreOrder at Megalopolis.toys Check em out! https://megalopolis.toys/sea...

Exciting stuff in the works!
For the past few months I've been doing some toy design and control art for some new toylines coming from Megalopolis Premium DNA. ...

Defenders of Eden #2 100% funded on Kickstarter!
Issue 2 of Defenders of Eden is on the way!! Thanks to all who supported it! Still a few days left to go so if you havent had a look yet...

Defenders of Eden on Kickstarter
I've been involved in a new comic book series called Defenders of Eden and we have Kickstarted our first issue and have been 100% funded...